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The Telepath Chronicles

The Telepath Chronicles

$14.99eBook: $2.99
Series: Anthologies
Genre: Paranormal

In THE TELEPATH CHRONICLES, fourteen of today's top sci-fi writers share stories of the uncanny and unexpected. Telepathy. Just a far-fetched bit of science fiction “hocus pocus.” But is it? With today’s giant leaps forward in technology and biotechnology, with people constantly surrounded by sophisticated yet invisible communication networks, and with a rapidly increasing understanding of the brain’s inner workings . . . is it so hard to imagine that we might be able to develop direct mind-to-mind communication? Or might it not be the case that evolution alone, in the right circumstances—if not on this planet, then on others—could give rise to creatures with telepathic abilities? This collection of fourteen stories, including Elle Casey's "Dreampath," explores the ramifications of a future where telepathy is real. From that first glorious moment of discovery, to the subsequent jealousies and class divisions, to the dangers of weaponization and the blessings of medical miracles, The Telepath Chronicles promises to take you inside the creative minds of some of today’s top science fiction authors.

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The Dragon Chronicles

The Dragon Chronicles

$15.99eBook: $3.99
Series: Anthologies
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Dragons. They are more than a memory from an age of wizards and heroes. These winged, fire-breathing beasts soar through the traditions of many lands, and through our dreams. In their many guises – Western or Eastern, reptile or lizard or serpent, wyvern, hydra, basilisk – dragons embody everything that we humans call magic. In this volume of the acclaimed ‘Future Chronicles’ anthology series, twelve authors invite you to journey to very different worlds – lands of fire and fury, of legend and lore – but all worlds where dragons roam unshackled from myth, freed from the imagination, and real. “The Dragon Chronicles” features stories by bestselling authors Elle Casey (War of the Fae), David Adams (Ren of Atikala), K.J. Colt (Klawdia), Terah Edun (Courtlight), and Daniel Arenson (Dragonlore) plus seven more of today's most visionary authors in fantasy and speculative fiction. Elle's story is titled, "Ten Things You Should Know About Dragons."

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Dark Beyond the Stars: A Space Opera Anthology

Dark Beyond the Stars: A Space Opera Anthology

$14.99eBook: $5.99
Series: Anthologies
Genre: Science Fiction

From humanity's first contact with alien life, to the challenges of space travel, to colonies established light years from Earth, this anthology celebrates the wide sweep of space opera at its most sublime. Eleven of today's bestselling authors join forces to bring you these tales of action, adventure, and brilliant imagination. There are worlds beyond worlds out there to explore, and millions of stories spinning across the galaxies. So sit back and be transported... to the dark beyond the stars. Elle Casey's contribution is a short story prequel to the Drifters' Alliance series, entitled "Winner Takes All."

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Beyond the Stars: A Planet Too Far. A Space Opera Anthology

Beyond the Stars: A Planet Too Far. A Space Opera Anthology

$14.99eBook: $2.99
Series: Anthologies
Genres: Dystopian, Science Fiction

On the heels of the bestselling DARK BEYOND THE STARS anthology comes another collection of spectacular tales by eleven authors both well-known and brand new. Space opera. Big, sprawling sci-fi stories that encompass strange new worlds, alien life forms, and deep space battles. You'll find all of that here. Take a journey across the galaxy with these short stories and go BEYOND THE STARS to A Planet Too Far...

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Kahayatle (Apocalypsis Book 1)

Kahayatle (Apocalypsis Book 1)

$14.95eBook: FREE

My name is Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and I live in a neighborhood outside of Orlando, Florida. I’m here alone because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. I'm almost out of food, and the gangs of kids that roam around my town are getting more vicious by the day. It's time for me to leave and find another place to live ... a place where I can find food and shelter ... a place where they won't be able to find me. Alone, it might have been possible, but now I've got company. I'm worried that I don't have what it takes to get from here to my final destination, and I have no idea what might be waiting for me when I get there.

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Apocalypsis, t.1 (Kahayatle) [version française]

Apocalypsis, t.1 (Kahayatle) [version française]

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Je m'appelle Bryn Mathis. J'ai dix-sept ans et je vis dans un quartier en périphérie d'Orlando, en Floride. Je suis seule ici parce que mon père est mort il y a presque un an, comme tous les autres adultes au monde. Je n’ai presque plus de nourriture et les gangs d'enfants qui parcourent ma ville sont de plus en plus menaçants chaque jour. Il est temps pour moi de partir et de trouver un autre endroit pour vivre... un endroit où je puisse trouver de la nourriture et un abri... un endroit où ils ne pourront pas me trouver. Seule, cela aurait pu être possible, mais maintenant j’ai de la compagnie. Je crains de ne pas avoir ce qu’il faut pour aller d’ici à ma destination finale et je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui m’attend quand j’arriverai.

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Warpaint (Apocalypsis Book 2)

Warpaint (Apocalypsis Book 2)

$14.95eBook: $4.99
Series: Apocalypsis, Book 2
Genres: Action Adventure, Dystopian

My name’s Bryn Mathis. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Kahayatle, otherwise known as The Everglades. I’m here with my three best friends and a tribe of Native American teens, because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. We’re creating a whole new world for ourselves, but this world has problems. The biggest threat to our survival is not starvation anymore … it’s the gang of kids who lives nearby that has become more vicious than anyone could have imagined possible. The soulless demons have gone too far, and it’s time for us to rise up and do what needs to be done to set things right. Alone, it might have been impossible; but now I’ve got friends. I’m worried, though, that I won’t be able to get them ready to fight in time, and that we’re taking on more of a challenge than we can handle right now. And I have no idea what might be waiting for us when we arrive on their front doorstep.

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Apocalypsis, t.2 (Peintures de guerre) [version française]

Apocalypsis, t.2 (Peintures de guerre) [version française]

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Je m'appelle Bryn Mathis. J'ai dix-sept ans et j'habite à Kahayatle, autrement appelé Les Everglades. Je suis ici avec mes trois meilleurs amis et une tribu d'adolescents amérindiens, parce que mon père est mort il y a presque un an, comme tous les autres adultes du monde entier. Nous sommes en train de créer un tout nouveau monde, mais rien n'est simple. La plus grande menace pour notre survie n'est plus la famine...c'est le gang des jeunes qui vit à proximité et qui est devenu le plus malsain qu'on puisse imaginer. Les démons sans âme sont allés trop loin et il est temps pour nous de nous soulever et de faire ce qui doit être fait pour régler les choses. Seule, cela aurait été impossible mais maintenant j'ai des amis. Cependant, je crains de ne pouvoir les préparer à temps pour le combat et d'avoir à relever plus de défis que nous ne pouvons en affronter actuellement. Et je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui pourrait nous attendre lorsque nous arriverons à leur porte.

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Exodus (Apocalypsis Book 3)

Exodus (Apocalypsis Book 3)

$14.95eBook: $4.99
Series: Apocalypsis, Book 3
Genres: Action Adventure, Dystopian

My name’s Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and my world has been turned upside down and inside out. I'm racing toward a future I cannot control. I thought I had everything worked out, but then things changed. I thought we were all cut off from one another, but it turns out, we're not. They say people are talking, and word about me and what I've done is spreading like the virus that wiped out millions of people, leaving us teens alone to fend for ourselves. And depending on who you are, and what you eat for dinner, I'm either your salvation or your target.

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Haven (Apocalypsis Book 4)

Haven (Apocalypsis Book 4)

$14.95eBook: $4.99
Series: Apocalypsis, Book 4
Genres: Action Adventure, Dystopian

My name’s Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and I'm alive at a critical time in our world's history, unlike all the adults and babies who didn't survive the virus that almost wiped out the human race. Alliances are building, enemies are gathering, and everything's about to reach the boiling point. I'm in a race against time to get Haven ready for the final showdown, a confrontation that could very possibly destroy everything my friends and I have worked so hard to create. People I trusted have betrayed me. People who I thought were my enemies are not. Nothing is as it seems, and nothing will ever be the same for me, now that I've embarked on this one last adventure that could be the undoing of everything that is me.

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Bourbon Street Boys
Wrong Number, Right Guy

Wrong Number, Right Guy

$9.99eBook: FREE on KU, price variesAudiobook: $9.95
Series: Bourbon Street Boys, Book 1
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

When a mysterious text message summons May Wexler to a biker bar in downtown New Orleans, she knows something is very wrong. Her sister has sent out an SOS, but when May gets there, she’s nowhere to be found and May is the one in trouble—she’s wearing pink espadrilles, she’s got a Chihuahua in her purse, and she’s in the middle of a shootout. After tall, muscular Ozzie comes to her rescue, May has no choice but to follow him to safety. At the headquarters of his private security firm, the Bourbon Street Boys, she finds a refuge for the night—and the offer of a job. But it’s not long before a gun-toting stalker isn’t the only complication in May’s life: the more time she spends with Ozzie, the less she can deny that they’ve got some serious chemistry. A wrong number got her into this mess…Will it also get her the right guy?

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Surprise au bout du fil (The Bourbon Street Boys t.1)

Surprise au bout du fil (The Bourbon Street Boys t.1)


Quand un message énigmatique demande à May Wexler de se rendre dans un bar pour motards du centre-ville de la Nouvelle Orléans, elle sait que quelque chose ne tourne pas rond. Sa sœur vient de lui envoyer un SOS, mais elle est introuvable lorsque May arrive sur place, et c’est cette dernière qui se retrouve avec des ennuis : elle a des espadrilles roses, un chihuahua dans son sac et elle se trouve au milieu d’une fusillade. Un certain Ozzie, grand et tout en muscles, vient à son secours et elle n’a pas d’autre choix que de le suivre pour se mettre hors de danger. Au siège de son entreprise de sécurité, les Bourbon Street Boys, elle trouve refuge pour la nuit… et un travail. Mais le bandit qui la poursuit avec un revolver ne reste pas longtemps le seul problème de May. Plus elle passe de temps avec Ozzie, moins elle peut nier une très forte alchimie entre eux. Un mauvais numéro l’a mise dans ce pétrin… lui aurait-il aussi permis de trouver l’amour ?

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Wrong Place, Right Time

Wrong Place, Right Time

$9.99eBook: FREE on KU, price variesAudiobook: $9.95
Series: Bourbon Street Boys, Book 2
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

Jenny’s single-parent life revolves around her kids and her job, which means that hours of Animal Planet and strings of computer code are about all she has time for. Not that Jenny’s looking for adventure or romance—she’s the type of woman who believes in playing it safe. When Jenny is called upon to do some consulting for the Bourbon Street Boys—a New Orleans private security firm—she knows she should stay away. They conduct surveillance on known criminals and put themselves in harm’s way pretty much every day, so No is the obvious answer…Problem is, there’s a guy on the team with a body to die for and a dimple that just won’t quit luring Jenny in, tempting her to throw all caution to the wind. Will Jenny take the risk or will she do what she’s always done—play it safe and wait for the right time?

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Faux Départ (The Bourbon Street Boys t. 2)

Faux Départ (The Bourbon Street Boys t. 2)

9,99 €eBook: 5,99 €

Jenny élève seule ses trois enfants et sa vie se résume à son travail et à sa famille. Entre la rédaction de lignes de code et le visionnage de documentaires animaliers, Jenny n’a pas une seconde à elle. Et d’une certaine façon, cela lui convient : elle préfère la sécurité à la romance et à l’aventure.

Quand sa sœur l’appelle pour lui demander un service alors que son week-end détente tant attendu ne fait que commencer, Jenny sait qu’elle devrait dire non. Du moins, c’est ce que lui intime la prudence. Surtout qu’en guise de service, on lui demande de conseiller l’agence de sécurité des Bourbon Street Boys, spécialisée dans la surveillance de criminels avérés et dont les membres se mettent en danger quotidiennement. Et le danger guette Jenny : il y a dans l’équipe un homme au corps de rêve pour lequel elle serait prête à faire des folies.

Prendra-t-elle un risque ou fera-t-elle ce qu’elle sait si bien faire : rester sur ses gardes et attendre le bon moment ?

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Wrong Question, Right Answer

Wrong Question, Right Answer

$9.99eBook: FREE on KU, price variesAudiobook: $9.95
Series: Bourbon Street Boys, Book 3
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

As a member of the Bourbon Street Boys private security firm, Antoinette “Toni” Delacourte is one strong woman, but despite her reputation for being tough as nails, she is haunted by her past mistakes. Now they’re catching up to her, and throwing her for a loop. Ten years ago, Toni kissed Lucky, her brother’s best friend. Worried it would break apart the group she’d come to see as family, she walked away—straight into the arms of Charlie, and an abusive relationship. For the past decade she’s tried to keep her feelings for Lucky platonic—he’s her friend, her colleague, and he’s got his own past to deal with. Free of Charlie but unable to shake his memory, Toni finds herself feeling vulnerable and unable to deny her attraction to Lucky any longer. She’s always thought that kiss was her first mistake, but now she’s wondering whether the real mistake was running away.

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Question à choix multiples (The Bourbon Street Boys t. 3)

Question à choix multiples (The Bourbon Street Boys t. 3)

9,99 €eBook: 3,48 €

Membre fondateur de la société de sécurité privée des Bourbon Street Boys, Antoinette « Toni » Delacourte est une femme qui a du cran. Mais en dépit de sa réputation de dure à cuire, elle est hantée par son passé, des erreurs anciennes qui la rendent aujourd’hui vulnérable.

En effet, il y a dix ans, Toni a embrassé Lucky, le meilleur ami de son frère. Mais comme elle craignait qu’une relation amoureuse ne brise l’harmonie du groupe qu’elle considérait comme sa propre famille, elle s’est détournée de lui pour se jeter dans les bras de Charlie – et la relation violente qu’il avait à lui offrir.

Pendant dix ans, Toni a essayé d’entretenir pour Lucky des sentiments purement platoniques. Désormais libérée de Charlie, Toni ne peut nier plus longtemps son attirance envers Lucky.

Alors, si elle a toujours cru que ce baiser était une erreur, elle se demande à présent si la véritable méprise n’était pas de lui avoir tourné le dos.

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Wrong Turn, Right Direction

Wrong Turn, Right Direction

$9.99eBook: FREE on KU, price variesAudiobook: $17.95
Series: Bourbon Street Boys, Book 4
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

Tamika Cleary takes a wrong turn up a one-way street—and straight into Thibault Delacroix’s leg as he steps into the road. But Mika’s in a hurry, and she certainly doesn’t have time for a guy who can’t even look both ways before crossing, even if he does have a cute face, a body to die for, and the darkest, thickest eyelashes she’s ever seen.

Unfortunately for Mika, fate has other ideas. When she’s threatened by her employer, a Russian mafia boss known as “The Thief”, she’s forced to accept Thibault’s help. As the co-owner of the Bourbon Street Boys security firm, he believes he can keep her safe. But Mika has a whole load of trust issues—and the pushier Thibault is about helping, the more stubbornly she tries to resist.

Mika may have taken a wrong turn the day they met, but will she finally let someone steer her in the right direction?

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A contresens (The Bourbon Street Boys t. 4)

A contresens (The Bourbon Street Boys t. 4)

9,99 €eBook: 5,99 €

Le jour où Tamika Cleary renverse Thibault Delacroix en empruntant une rue à contresens, elle ne se doute pas que cet accident va bouleverser sa vie… Mais Mika est pressée et elle n’a pas de temps à perdre avec un type qui n’est même pas capable de regarder des deux côtés avant de traverser la route, même s’il a un beau visage, un corps à se damner et les cils noirs les plus épais qu’elle ait jamais vus.

Bien vite, Mika se trouve de nouveau empêtrée dans des problèmes professionnels, son employeur n’étant autre que le terrible chef de la mafia russe, Pavel, dit « le Voleur ». Le beau Thibault est bien décidé à la secourir mais la jeune femme n’accorde pas facilement sa confiance. Plus il insiste, plus elle résiste. Alors que leur histoire a commencé par un contresens, Mika se laissera-t-elle conduire enfin dans la bonne direction ?

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Card Shark
Aces High (Card Shark Book 1)

Aces High (Card Shark Book 1)

eBook: $3.99

What do a small-time card shark fresh out of the state foster system and a newly-expelled-from-college computer geek have in common? Desperation. And they live in apartments across the hall from each other. An ill-timed peek through a peephole and an impromptu omelet lead to a business venture that takes Charlie (she's the brawn) and Doug (he's the brains) into the strange worlds of bounty hunting and the supernatural.

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Drifters' Alliance
Dark Beyond the Stars: A Space Opera Anthology

Dark Beyond the Stars: A Space Opera Anthology

$14.99eBook: $5.99
Series: Anthologies
Genre: Science Fiction

From humanity's first contact with alien life, to the challenges of space travel, to colonies established light years from Earth, this anthology celebrates the wide sweep of space opera at its most sublime. Eleven of today's bestselling authors join forces to bring you these tales of action, adventure, and brilliant imagination. There are worlds beyond worlds out there to explore, and millions of stories spinning across the galaxies. So sit back and be transported... to the dark beyond the stars. Elle Casey's contribution is a short story prequel to the Drifters' Alliance series, entitled "Winner Takes All."

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Drifters' Alliance, Book 1

Drifters' Alliance, Book 1

$11.95eBook: 99¢Audiobook: $17.95

One hand of cards and it's all over but the crying... Cass Kennedy finally gets what she's been dreaming of for the past ten years: a drifter ship to call her own. All the sim time and battle training is going to pay off in spades as she sets her course for the future. She'll be living on her own terms, not those of her father. But drifting through deep space with a crew of nutty strangers on the DS Anarchy carries a lot more surprises than she bargained for. Nobody told her that her ship is falling apart, that dead chickens are something you really want to hang on to, and that the OSG has big plans for the universe that don't necessarily jibe with her plans for herself. Jump onboard with Cass and her crew as she charts a course toward an alliance that will either make her or break her as Captain of the DS Anarchy.

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Drifters' Alliance, Book 2

Drifters' Alliance, Book 2

$11.95eBook: $3.99Audiobook: $15.77
Series: Drifters' Alliance, Book 2
Genre: Science Fiction

Captain Cass and her crew are drifting, waiting on word from the Alliance that they’re ready to meet. But something pops up in her clearpanel that she wasn’t expecting, and people with hidden motives are stirring up more trouble than she can handle alone. It’s going to take a little help from some friends to get her out of this mess. Hopefully, she still has some left who are willing to take a risk on her.

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Drifters' Alliance, Book 3

Drifters' Alliance, Book 3

$11.95eBook: $3.99Audiobook: $15.77
Series: Drifters' Alliance, Book 3
Genre: Science Fiction

Captain Cass and the crew of the DS Anarchy have been accepted into the Alliance, and plans are in the works to move forward as independent yet allied drifters. Unfortunately, the OSG isn’t onboard with their plan, and people high up in the chain of command are determined to bring Cass to heel.

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Melancholia (Duality Book 1)

Melancholia (Duality Book 1)

eBook: $3.99

Malcolm's had a problem for as long as he can remember. No matter where he goes or what he does, he leaves misery in his wake. Sadness and negativity are his constant companions, influencing others around him until they cannot bear to live. But then Rae shows up in his life, and everything changes. Darkness cleaves to light. Anger yields to joy. The question is whether she'll be his salvation or his destruction.

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Euphoria (Duality Book 2)

Euphoria (Duality Book 2)

$14.99eBook: $4.99
Series: Duality, Book 2
Genres: Paranormal, Romance & Chick Lit

Rae and Malcolm are on the run with help from friends. Not sure who to trust anymore or where they're even going, they must work together to get free of the group who seeks to bind them and take advantage of their influence over others.

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Just One Night
Just One Night: Part 1

Just One Night: Part 1


Jennifer is sexually frustrated and disillusioned with love, a very dangerous combination. Convinced there's no such thing as Prince Charming, and against her best friend's better judgment, she places a personal ad seeking a one-night stand. No strings, no commitments, no second dates. Her goal? To restore her faith in men by setting up a single night of fantasy that can never be tainted by reality. William is a busy executive, newly arrived in the United States from England. Life for him is all about minimizing complications. He doesn't have the time nor the inclination to share his life with anyone, to have obligations outside of work, or to become entangled in a relationship with an emotional basket case of a woman who’s desperately seeking her Prince Charming. But he does see the value in having an attractive woman on his arm for networking purposes ...

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Just One Night: Part 2

Just One Night: Part 2

Series: Just One Night, Book 2
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit
Tag: Serials

Jennifer is suffering a serious man hangover when her best friend Mia swoops in and forces her out of her apartment for a night of good old-fashioned girlfriend fun. It seems like just the ticket to help her move on and follow through with her plan for a new perspective on life and men ... until everything goes really right and then just as quickly goes really wrong. William would love to focus on his work to the exclusion of all else, but his annoying assistant and nagging calendar have other ideas. When the two of them are joined by his father (the boss) and the threat of the unleashing of his brother (the troublemaker), he has little choice but to obey their commands and attend the event that just might net them some new clients. Or, perhaps, something none of them were bargaining for.

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Just One Night: Part 3

Just One Night: Part 3

Series: Just One Night, Book 3
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit
Tag: Serials

Jennifer's idea of relaxing is a spa day with her best friend, but even when she's slathered in avocado and wearing cucumber glasses, there's no escaping the fact that she cannot get memories of a certain guy and a certain night (or two) out of her head. When her ex shows up out of the blue to throw a wrench in her plans, she has to decide once and for all how far she's willing to go to be the successful businesswoman she wants to be. William is willing to do just about anything to get rid of the albatross hanging around his neck, even if it means having to learn way more about his assistant than he ever wanted to know. When he gets a surprise phone call with an offer of a proposal, he can hardly say no ... even though it means inviting complications he's dedicated his life to avoiding.

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Just One Night: Part 4

Just One Night: Part 4

Series: Just One Night, Book 4
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit
Tag: Serials

Jennifer doesn't know who to believe, but the lipstick on William's neck is just a little too red to ignore, much as he might like her to. The more she tries to make sense of the stories, the more it feels like she's repeating mistakes from her past, and that's something she wants to avoid at all costs, no matter how much it might hurt. William does what he can to juggle all the secrets, stories, and his brother's antics, but in the end it proves to be his undoing. Following Edward's advice, he takes a chance and reveals things he'd really rather keep to himself. Whether the risk and the fallout will be worth the price he must pay remains to be seen.

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Just One Night: Part 5

Just One Night: Part 5

Series: Just One Night, Book 5
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit
Tag: Serials

Jennifer thought they had everything figured out. She and William were going to start over from scratch and take a chance on a real relationship. But then he doesn't call, and she wonders if she somehow managed to misinterpret everything. Further investigation puts her on William's doorstep, walking into a hell of a mess. William is at loose ends, no longer part of the family fold and suffering the fallout in the form of take-out and hagfish. Will he find inspiration and meaning again or will he crash and burn?

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Just One Night: Part 6

Just One Night: Part 6

Series: Just One Night, Book 6
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit
Tag: Serials

Jennifer gets the shock of a lifetime when an accident sends her to the hospital and she receives news she never expected to get. Her entire life is turned upside down, and she finds herself having to make some very hard and terrifying decisions. Life is spinning out of control, and the only time she feels like she can manage the insanity is when she's naked with William. That's not necessarily a bad thing as far as she's concerned, but it doesn't exactly solve her problems... William is reminded that it's the best laid schemes that go awry when the news that his life has changed forever makes him reconsider everything he ever imagined for himself. Ingrid is digging her talons deeper and deeper into their lives, and Edward's as off the rails as ever. The problems in Scotland continue to plague the family business, and try as he might, William cannot remain separated from the drama for long.

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Love in New York
Lost and Found (Love in New York Book 1)

Lost and Found (Love in New York Book 1)

$16.95eBook: $3.99Audiobook: $23.16

Sometimes engagement rings can get lost and then found. Sometimes people can too. All it takes is a heavy-duty dose of karma and the magic of Manhattan to make it all come together. Leah is a financially destitute new age hippy. James is a wealthy surgeon with a trust fund. She's awkward, he's poised. She's completely crazy, he's way too sane. People might say they have nothing in common, but they'd be wrong. They both live in Manhattan, they both have no idea how to change a baby diaper, and they're both lost … until they find one another.

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Un amour à New York, t.1 (Objets trouvés) [version française de Love in New York, Lost & Found]

Un amour à New York, t.1 (Objets trouvés) [version française de Love in New York, Lost & Found]

$4.99eBook: $4.99

Parfois les bagues de fiançailles peuvent se perdre et se retrouver. Les gens aussi. Tout ce qu’il faut, c’est une dose industrielle de karma et la magie de Manhattan pour que tout cela soit rassemblé. Leah est une hippie New Age sans ressources. James est un chirurgien prospère doté d’un fond de placement. Elle est gênante, il est posé. Elle est complètement folle, il est bien trop sain d’esprit. On pourrait dire qu’ils n’ont rien en commun mais on aurait tort. Ils habitent tous les deux Manhattan, aucun d’eux ne sait changer une couche de bébé et ils sont tous les deux perdus… jusqu’à ce qu’ils se rencontrent.

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Cabin Fever (Love in New York Book 2)

Cabin Fever (Love in New York Book 2)

$14.95eBook: $4.99Audiobook: $17.95
Series: Love in New York, Book 2
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

An artist’s retreat turns into a snowbound intervention. Jeremy Oliver’s on a one-man mission to forget, while Sarah Booker’s on a one-woman mission to remember. What happens when two opposing forces like theirs get snowed in together? Cabin Fever ... Fireworks, tears, ghosts, and maybe even love.

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Un amour à New York, t. 2 (Claustrofolie) [version française de Love in New York, Cabin Fever]
Mister Fixit (Love in New York Book 3)

Mister Fixit (Love in New York Book 3)

$14.95eBook: $4.99Audiobook: $18.95
Series: Love in New York, Book 3
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

Jana is left devastated after her brother starts his recovery and her niece is taken out of her care. At loose ends, she decides to purchase a fixer-upper in one of her favorite areas of Brooklyn, thinking the work will get her mind off her loss and the intense feelings of anger and disappointment she has toward the family attorney, Robinson. But she gets in over her head and needs someone who can not only fix her roof but someone who can fix her broken heart.

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Un amour à New York, t. 3 (Monsieur Répare-tout) [version française de Love in New York, Mister Fixit]
MacKenzie Family
Shine Not Burn

Shine Not Burn

$9.99eBook: $3.99 (price will vary)Audiobook: $9.95

Andie Marks, known as “Party Girl” in her college days, is now a whip-smart lawyer on the fast track to success. Determined to move on from a bad break-up, she joins her girlfriends for a wild bachelorette weekend in Las Vegas, promising to let her hair down just this once. Vegas is a blur of cocktails and blackjack, and in the middle of it all she meets Mack, a real-life cowboy with a winning hand and an irresistible body. They get lucky in the casino and luckier back at the hotel, a hot night of passion that was definitely not part of Andie’s life plan. By dawn Mack is gone and all she has to remember their one-night romance is a hangover and a pile of casino chips. Or so she thinks…

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Je brille mais ne brûle point : Shine Not Burn (édition française)

Je brille mais ne brûle point : Shine Not Burn (édition française)


C'EST ARRIVÉ À LAS VEGAS. Je ne peux pas être tenue pour responsable. Ce qui se passe à Vegas est censé y rester, non ? Non ? Ouais. Pas vraiment. Andie est à quelques jours de se passer la corde au cou, mais il y a juste un tout petit problème. Apparemment, elle est déjà mariée. Ou quelqu'un qui porte son nom s’est marié à un gars de l'Oregon, et le palais de justice ne veut pas lui délivrer une licence de mariage jusqu'à ce que tout cela soit éclairci. Patauger dans la bouse de vache au son de musiques country pour rencontrer un homme qui ne se déplace qu'à dos de cheval est loin d'être l'idée qu'elle se fait d'un bon moment, mais si elle veut se marier, devenir associée au sein du cabinet où elle travaille, et avoir deux enfants et demi avant d'atteindre ses trente-cinq ans, il lui faut aller au bout de cette pagaille et l'arranger rapidement... avant que son fiancé le découvre et que tout ce pour quoi elle avait travaillé se transforme en cendres.

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MacKenzie Fire

MacKenzie Fire

$9.99eBook: $3.99 (FREE on KU)Audiobook: $9.95
Series: MacKenzie Family, Book 2
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

Still bitter about his failed engagement and life on the family ranch, Ian MacKenzie has been cranky for nearly three years. His brother Mack’s married bliss hasn’t helped, and now his pregnant sister-in-law’s airhead best friend is coming for a visit. Candice arrives to help with the new baby, even though it means swapping her Louboutins for snow boots and her flat irons for flannel. She’s far from prepared for the freezing cold and she certainly wasn’t expecting the sizzling heat of her attraction to a certain green-eyed cowboy. Ian may be rude and infuriating, but he looks sinfully good in those jeans of his. The two clash at every turn, but there’s one thing they can both agree on—if they do give in to their undeniable chemistry, then it’s just a fling…because he’s a country boy and she’s a city girl, and their zip codes are on opposite sides of the map.

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Le feu des MacKenzie : MacKenzie Fire (édition française)

Le feu des MacKenzie : MacKenzie Fire (édition française)


IAN MACKENZIE EST UN vrai casse-pied grincheux depuis trois ans maintenant, ressassant toujours ses fiançailles brisées et sa vie au ranch. Entre en scène Candice, la meilleure amie de sa belle-sœur, qui leur rend une visite de deux semaines alors qu'ils attendent la naissance de la première nièce d'Ian. Candice est propriétaire d'une entreprise florissante, une spécialiste des cheveux et de la mode, déterminée à toujours voir le meilleur en toutes choses, même lorsqu’elle trébuche et tombe partout sur la glace de l'Oregon. Sans même essayer, elle réussit à se glisser sous la peau d'Ian et à lui faire dire et faire des choses qu'il n'aurait jamais dîtes ou faites normalement. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvent tous les deux à passer du temps ensemble, les étincelles et les flocons se déchainent. La question est de savoir s'ils vont faire quelque chose à ce sujet, et ce qui se passera dans leurs vies s'ils le font.

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Rebel Wheels
Rebel (Rebel Wheels Book 1)

Rebel (Rebel Wheels Book 1)

$14.95eBook: $4.99Audiobook: $14.95

Teagan Cross, college senior, rebel, and wiseass extraordinaire, goes from princess to pauper in a single phone call. Overnight, her life of privilege becomes one of survival, and no matter where she turns, it seems like the world is out to get her. She's not going to fall apart, though. She's a rebel and she's strong … determined to live life on her own terms … and nothing's going to stop her from getting things done and making things right. But when a twist of fate brings her to the doorstep of a different kind of Rebel, she's forced to figure out when something's worth fighting for and when something's worth letting go.

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Hellion (Rebel Wheels Book 2)

Hellion (Rebel Wheels Book 2)

Series: Rebel Wheels, Book 2
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

Quinlan Torres has responsibilities - one more year of college, a brother who needs a lot of extra supervision, and a best friend in the middle of a hostile takeover of her late father's company. The best thing for her to do would be to keep her head down, her eye on the ball, and her mind clear of any distractions. Problem is, her best friend's boyfriend has this brother...

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Trouble (Rebel Wheels Book 3)

Trouble (Rebel Wheels Book 3)

$14.95eBook: $4.99Audiobook: $18.95
Series: Rebel Wheels, Book 3
Genre: Romance & Chick Lit

With over 1,300 5-star ratings on Goodreads, readers love TROUBLE! Alissa Benson used to have plans. Big ones. Important ones. But all those plans went down the drain on her twenty-first birthday, and now she's just trying to pick up the pieces and manage the fallout. Sure, there are people wanting to help. But they're pushy and suffocating and none of them can say more than ten words without cussing. And then of course there's Colin. As if life isn't complicated enough. He's the guy who couldn't stand to even look at her last week but now seems to keep popping up every time she turns around. She'd like to say she can't stand the sight of him, but that would be a lie. It doesn't matter, though. Life is too complicated for dreaming about guys like him. Alissa has a baby almost due, no job, no money, and there's nothing she hates more than being a burden. But when her past moves into her present, threatening to take away her very last shred of dignity, she's forced to reconsider everything she ever thought she knew about the world and herself.

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Stand-Alone Novels
By Degrees

By Degrees

$14.95eBook: $3.99

Celebrities all suffer from the same disease. I call it the create-your-own-reality disease. Most of them start out normal, like you and me, but somewhere along the way they lose sight of up and down, left and right, and then eventually right and wrong. It's my job to fix that. Who hires me, Scarlett Barnes, otherwise known as ‘The Normalizer’? Agents usually. Producers sometimes. They know they can trust me to be professional, discreet, and above all, not personally involved with my clients. I come in, I take over their lives, and I get them back on track. Help them remember what it's like to be an average Joe. My latest job acquisition? His friends call him Tear-It-Up Kilgour, but I just call him Tarin - lead singer and guitarist for the band By Degrees. I have thirty days to get his butt back on planet earth before he loses his record deal, his movie contract, and possibly even his life. I've never failed so far, and I don't plan on failing this time either, even if Tarin has other ideas.

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Desperate Measures

Desperate Measures


Drawn together over a love of books, three women strike up an unlikely friendship, and end up forming bonds that move well beyond what any of them ever imagined possible. Desperate Measures serves up laughter, romance, cookies, tea - and a whole lot of love. Aimee: A housewife left in the dust by her philandering husband, with an outdated high school education but a serious talent when it comes to confections... Elizabeth: An accountant tired of crunching numbers for hundreds of clients with more money than they know what to do with... Kiki: An exotic dancer who wants nothing more than to get out of the game... [Formerly titled Desperate Measures Trilogy: Book 1, Full Measure, published under Elle Casey’s alter ego, Kat Lee.]

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Don't Make Me Beautiful

Don't Make Me Beautiful

$14.95eBook: $4.99

**This story was inspired by true events. If you liked the movie Sleeping With the Enemy, then you might like this story too. **

No one knew a woman lived there or that she even existed. A monster, living in darkness... At twenty-two, Nicole doesn't even look human anymore. The beast made sure of that. So she hides. A monster, consigned to a life of fear and solitude. This is all she deserves, she is quite sure of that.  And then one day out of the blue, the autographed baseball caught by Brian Jensen at the latest Marlins game enters her prison and manages to turn her world completely upside down. Temptation comes in the form of pity at first, and then perhaps something more. Does she dare to believe the things she's told, that this is not the life she was meant to live? That being a monster is not her forever-fate? And will she be willing to risk everything, to reach out and accept the helping hands around her and share her deepest, darkest secrets? She knows only too well that hands can hurt. Finding out whether they can also heal is a risky proposition, especially when the beast is still out there. Looking for her.

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All The Glory

All The Glory

$14.95eBook: $2.99

Jason Bradley has everything going for him. He's Banner High's first-string varsity wide receiver, headed to another State championship, and the college recruiters are already knocking on his door. His girlfriend is every guy's dream, there's a brand new black Camaro with a 6.2L, V-6 engine parked in his garage, and he's on cruise control. But when the school's beloved football coach turns up dead and Jason's found standing over the body, his cruise control cuts off bringing his charmed life to a screeching halt, and the reality of being an accused murderer of the first degree takes over. When everyone else walks away and leaves him to hang, one girl can't. But it's going to take more than guessing and wishing to get through to him and the truth of what happened, since he seems bound and determined to accept his fate as a criminal, tried as an adult and eligible for lethal injection. Can one really determined girl get to the bottom of the mystery when no one else seems to care? It would be so much easier to watch him go down, and for many, maybe just a little bit too satisfying. After all, who isn't guilty of finding pleasure in seeing that perfect someone suddenly exposed for the self-centered prick that he really is?

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Pas trop belle, s'il vous plaît [version française – Don't Make Me Beautiful]

Pas trop belle, s'il vous plaît [version française – Don't Make Me Beautiful]

$4.99eBook: $4.99

A vingt-deux ans, Nicole n’a même plus l’apparence humaine. La bête s’en est assurée. Alors elle se cache. Un monstre, consigné à une vie de peur et de solitude. C’est tout ce qu’elle mérite, elle en est presque certaine. Et un jour, sortie de nulle part, la balle de baseball dédicacée, que Brian Jensen a attrapée au dernier match des Marlins, rentre dans sa prison et réussit à mettre son monde sens dessus dessous.

La tentation vient sous forme de pitié au début, et ensuite peut-être, quelque chose de plus. Peut-elle oser croire les choses qu’on lui dit ? Que ça n’est pas la vie qu’elle était censée mener ? Qu’être un monstre n’est pas son sort pour la vie ? Et souhaitera-t-elle tout risquer, reprendre contact avec le monde extérieur, accepter les mains tendues autour d’elle et partager ses secrets les plus enfouis et les plus noirs ? Elle ne sait que trop bien que les mains peuvent faire du mal. Cherchez à savoir si elles peuvent aussi guérir est une proposition risquée, surtout si la bête est toujours dehors. En train de la chercher.

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The Irish Matchmaker



Former college roommates Erin and Ridlee leave Boston for Ireland to track down an inheritance, and end up at a matchmaking festival in Lisdoonvarna ... Ridlee's a newly minted attorney, and Erin's part owner of the Pot O' Gold Pub, hoping to buy out her new, mysterious partner, some old Irish guy she'd never heard of before the reading of her late grandmother's will. It seemed like it would be an easy thing to do: show up, find the bloke, and make him an offer... But the magic that is Ireland and the people who speak the lilting Irish brogue are as unpredictable as the weather, and things get a little more complicated than the girls anticipated when the town's legendary matchmaker pulls out his leather-bound book and proposes two matches ...

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Vampire Seasons
My Vampire Summer (Vampire Seasons Book 1)

My Vampire Summer (Vampire Seasons Book 1)

Series: Vampire Seasons
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Reserved bookworm Iona Candella and her best friend, wildchild Cheri Blake, are spending the summer before college in a small medieval town in France. Iona plans to spend the time reading 100 books on her Kindle and Cheri plans to spend it interfering in Iona's book reading / hibernation plan and finding gorgeous French boyfriends to help them pass the time instead. Both of them get more than they bargained for or even imagined. Ancient curses, haunted castle ruins, crypts protected by supernatural serpents... My Vampire Summer is a veritable YA Fantasy banquet.

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War of the Fae
The Dragon Chronicles

The Dragon Chronicles

$15.99eBook: $3.99
Series: Anthologies
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Dragons. They are more than a memory from an age of wizards and heroes. These winged, fire-breathing beasts soar through the traditions of many lands, and through our dreams. In their many guises – Western or Eastern, reptile or lizard or serpent, wyvern, hydra, basilisk – dragons embody everything that we humans call magic. In this volume of the acclaimed ‘Future Chronicles’ anthology series, twelve authors invite you to journey to very different worlds – lands of fire and fury, of legend and lore – but all worlds where dragons roam unshackled from myth, freed from the imagination, and real. “The Dragon Chronicles” features stories by bestselling authors Elle Casey (War of the Fae), David Adams (Ren of Atikala), K.J. Colt (Klawdia), Terah Edun (Courtlight), and Daniel Arenson (Dragonlore) plus seven more of today's most visionary authors in fantasy and speculative fiction. Elle's story is titled, "Ten Things You Should Know About Dragons."

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The Changelings (War of the Fae Book 1)

The Changelings (War of the Fae Book 1)


With over 7,000 5-star ratings for this series on Goodreads, readers love the War of the Fae! Jayne Sparks, a potty-mouthed, rebellious seventeen-year-old and her best friend, shy and bookish Tony Green, have a pretty typical high school existence, until several seemingly unrelated incidents converge, causing a cascade of events that change their lives forever. Jayne and Tony, together with a group of runaway teens, are hijacked and sent into a forest, where nothing and no one are as they seem. Who will emerge triumphant? And what will they be when they do?

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Call to Arms (War of the Fae Book 2)

Call to Arms (War of the Fae Book 2)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 2
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Call to Arms is Book 2 of 10 in the War of the Fae, YA Urban Fantasy series. Follow Jayne Sparks, the (still) potty-mouthed seventeen-year-old and newly changed elemental fae and her friends - an incubus, a daemon, a green elf, a water sprite and a pixie - as they struggle to find their places in the Light Fae community of the Green Forest and prepare for the upcoming battle against the Dark Fae.

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Darkness & Light (War of the Fae Book 3)

Darkness & Light (War of the Fae Book 3)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 3
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Darkness & Light is Book 3 of 10 in the War of the Fae YA Urban Fantasy series. The animosity between Darkness & Light continues to grow, as do Jayne's supernatural, elemental abilities in the Green Forest. Long-lost friends arrive, new friends leave, passion burns, and mysteries abound. What is Light and what is Dark? Who can the Light Fae trust? Who will be left standing in the end and whose side will they be on? Nothing is ever as it seems, and all is fair in love and War of the Fae.

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New World Order (War of the Fae Book 4)

New World Order (War of the Fae Book 4)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 4
Genre: Urban Fantasy

New World Order is Book 4 of 10 in the War of the Fae, YA Urban Fantasy series. Will the fae will be able to make the sacrifices they must to survive? ... Jayne Sparks and her Light Fae changeling friends face off in the final battle against their enemies. But the identify of their true enemies isn't as clear as it once was. Are they the ones breaking down their doors ... or perhaps another entity, hiding in the shadows? Friends come and go, bridges burned are rebuilt, love is lost and found. The survival of the fae depends on the answer to one question: Which burns hotter ... hatred or hope?

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After the Fall (War of the Fae Book 5)

After the Fall (War of the Fae Book 5)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 5
Genre: Urban Fantasy

After the Fall is Book 5 of 10 in the War of the Fae YA Urban Fantasy Series. [Formerly titled "Clash of the Otherworlds, Book 1"] The Light and Dark Fae have come together, a tenuous peace formed at the urging of the Overworld. Potty-mouthed teen, Jayne Sparks, and her fellow changeling friends find themselves once again in the middle of a maelstrom of conflict, mystery, and magic that they must struggle to not only understand but to overcome. Jayne Sparks Blackthorn hereby cordially invites you to follow her into the Gray...

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Between the Realms (War of the Fae Book 6)

Between the Realms (War of the Fae Book 6)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 6
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Between the Realms is Book 6 of 10 in the War of the Fae YA Urban Fantasy series. [Formerly titled "Clash of the Otherworlds, Book 2."] Jayne Sparks Blackthorn continues her journey as a changeling member of the Fae living in the Green Forest. Decisions have been made and the Fae Council has spoken. The chosen few must leave the Here and Now to undo the damage begun over a thousand years ago. Loyalties are questioned. Intentions are suspect. Angels and demons, witches and werewolves, pixies and elves. Everyone has a secret it seems, and the bridge between the Light and Dark lies squarely in the Gray.

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Portal Guardians (War of the Fae Book 7)

Portal Guardians (War of the Fae Book 7)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 7
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Portal Guardians is Book 7 of 10 in the War of the Fae YA Urban Fantasy series. [Formerly titled "Clash of the Otherworlds, Book 3."] The fae assigned by the council —shadowed by Jayne the elemental and Spike the incubus— journey to the Otherworlds, seeking the portal guardians. An epic journey filled with danger, adventure, and revelations that even the most ancient fae do not expect.

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Time Slipping (War of the Fae Book 8)

Time Slipping (War of the Fae Book 8)

Series: War of the Fae, Book 8
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Time Slipping is Book 8 of 10 in the War of the Fae, YA Urban Fantasy series. Jayne and her crew of fae friends are off to Uamh An Ard-Achaidh, the High Pasture Cave in Torrin on the Isle of Skye, to fulfill her destiny as the companion to the portal guardian of the Underworld. But on the way there, weird things start to happen, and she's forced to reckon with at least one behind-the-scenes player bent on keeping her from getting to the portal on time.

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Dragon Riders (War of the Fae Book 9)

Dragon Riders (War of the Fae Book 9)

$4.99eBook: $4.99
Series: War of the Fae, Book 9
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Dragon Riders is Book 9 of 10 in the War of the Fae, YA Urban Fantasy series. Jayne has returned to the compound, but that's the last place she wants to be. She desperately needs to go back in time to rescue the friends she left behind, solve the problem in the Overworld, and fulfill her duties to Biad at Uamh An Ard-Achaidh, the High Pasture Cave in Torrin on the Isle of Skye...but the Council has other ideas about where she should be and what she should be doing. Unfortunately for them, she's never been good at following orders or ignoring what her heart tells her. She might get more than she bargained for, though, when she takes matters into her own hands and jumps headfirst into the dangerous world of dark spellcasting without any backup.

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Winged Warriors (War of the Fae Book 10)

Winged Warriors (War of the Fae Book 10)

$4.99eBook: $4.99
Series: War of the Fae, Book 10
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Winged Warriors is Book 10 of 10 in the War of the Fae, YA Urban Fantasy series. Jayne and friends are fighting their biggest battle ever. Darkness and Light are once again pitted against one another, and only one can emerge the victor. Fae the world over are called into service, and the lives of millions are at stake. Friendships will be tested, hearts will be broken, and when the dust finally settles, the world that emerges will be forever changed.

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$3.99Audiobook: $20.95

After their cruise goes horribly wrong, four very different teenagers find themselves shipwrecked on a tropical island. When forced to work together, they discover they have more in common than they ever imagined ... CAST AWAY meets THE BREAKFAST CLUB in this fun read from a NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author. ~BookBub

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Reckless (Wrecked Book 2)

Reckless (Wrecked Book 2)

Series: Wrecked, Book 2
Genres: Action Adventure, Romantic Suspense

RECKLESS is the story of four teenagers from different ends of the social spectrum who were castaway on an island together before finally making it back home ... only to be thrown back into high school life with completely different perspectives than they had before. Will they fall into the same traps or forge new paths for themselves? Follow Kevin, Candi, Sarah, and Jonathan as they move into their future - always hopeful, often uncertain, and sometimes even ... RECKLESS.

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