Cover Reveal! Apocalypsis: Book 4 (HAVEN)

Cover Reveal!  Apocalypsis: Book 4 (HAVEN)

Here she is!  The cover for Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven), made by the talented and adorable Aidan Brindley from Australia, superfan extraordinaire.  He also did the cover for book 3.  I’ve included a Facebook banner that you’re free to use if you wish.  It will help me advertise my books, so I’d be thrilled if […]

Every Review Counts

I noticed that the majority of my readers who read all of my books will leave reviews on just one or two of them, and I really wish that wasn’t the case. I wish they’d leave reviews for all of the books they’ve read, whether they’re mine or someone else’s. I risk sounding ungrateful in […]

Apocalypsis Buddy Read is now on!

In preparation for Book 4 of the Apocalypsis series, coming at the end of this month, some readers have gotten together over on Goodreads for a “Buddy Read” event.  It’s kind of like an online book club.  Should be super fun!!  I’ll be lurking, possibly using your comments to build the 4th book, so don’t […]