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Aces High
Jason Brant and I have teamed up to write a book together. In Jason’s words: “I hope everyone is ready for lots of swearing, shit talking, and general douchery.” That pretty much sums it up. Even if no one likes it but us, that’s okay. So far I’ve had a ball writing it. And every […]
A New Cover for Apocalypsis: Book 1

I read several comments over the past six months or so left by readers in reviews about how they skipped over reading Apocalypsis: Book 1 for a long time because the cover creeped them out. Granted, it’s pretty striking. But I loved the artwork so much, and felt it was so perfect for the book, […]
Books in the Giveaway. A TBR List!
Most of you reading this probably know I hosted a big, massive, amazingly cool indie book giveaway in January with 89 different titles and hundreds of copies available to win. Well, the contest is over, but the list of books is a great reference for those of you looking for some great indie reads. So […]
The Seymour Button

I noticed a new feature on Amazon today. Under everyone’s book covers is this button that says: “See More Like This” Forever and henceforth, this button shall be known by me as the Seymour Button. I clicked on one under my book and just saw a bunch more of my books. But if I click […]
Why does everyone hate clichés so much?
Clichés. I like ’em dammit. My book WRECKED has a few reviews that say the story is “cliché” or some of the characters are or whatever. It’s obviously a downgrade in these people’s minds. But why? We all went to high school. Or those of us who weren’t home-schooled did. Did you all have the […]
Wise Words from … Me. Discussing the state of publishing today with an agent.
I wrote a comment on a well-known blog one day a couple months ago, giving my opinion about the role of agents in the publishing world. Just after it happened, I was contacted by the agent who wrote the blog article who wanted to get my thoughts on the matter, and we had a nice […]
The Elle Casey January anniversary promotions are beginning!
Indie Author Book Giveaway …. Featuring some best selling and some lesser-known authors with highly rated YA books. Yay! Enter to win here: http://ellecasey.com/january-anniversary-indie-book-giveaway/ And don’t forget to share this post with everyone you know. The more the merrier!
2013 New Year’s Resolutions
I never stick to my non-writer resolutions. But this year … this year will be DIFFERENT! However, just in case, I’ll stick to my writer resolutions for this blog post, because they have a LOT better chance of being accomplished. Here are my writer goals for 2013 Finish the Desperate Measures series (pen name Kat […]
It‘s finally here! Published exactly one year after WRECKED was published. I’m so excited! Click to buy on Amazon.com (United States) Click to buy on Amazon.co.uk (United Kingdom) *These links are not live yet, as of this posting, but they will be sometime hopefully before the close of 2012. 🙂
Vampire Seasons, 4-novella series

I really should just go ahead and call the Vampire Seasons novellas books, since they are the very upper limit for novellas in word count and read more like full novels. But whatever they are, the second one is coming soon, January 2013! And all the covers are done, so I wanted to share them […]
Favorite quotes from Elle Casey books, submitted by readers
I recently did a giveaway of a Kindle and an Amazon gift card. In the promo, I gave readers the opportunity to submit a favorite Elle Casey book quote. I have to say, I LOVE that you loved these! Here are the ones I received (there are a lot!): It’s kinky to be hungry. I’m […]