Epilogue for Clash of the Otherworlds is available!

[vc_column_text width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 3, Portal Guardians:  EPILOGUE [/vc_column_text] [vc_button title=”Click to download the PDF” href=”http://ellecasey.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/COTOW.3.epilogue.pdf” color=”btn-danger” size=”wpb_regularsize” icon=”wpb_document_pdf” target=”_blank” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_button title=”Click to dowload the .mobi (Kindle) file” href=”http://ellecasey.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/COTOW.3.epilogue.mobi” color=”btn-primary” size=”wpb_regularsize” icon=”wpb_heart” target=”_blank” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [vc_column_text width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Be sure to let me know what […]

Reckless update

Hello readers!  Just wanted to give you a quick update on RECKLESS, the sequel to WRECKED… The manuscript is nearly done.  I have one or two more days of writing and editing to do before shipping it off to my proofreader/editor.  I’m not sure if I have any beta readers for this book since it’s […]

SNAFU at Elle Casey Central

Situation Normal:  All Frigged Up. Dammit.  I have to announce a major screw-up.  Anyone who’s purchased the paperback of Apocalypsis: Book 1 in the last week or so will soon be getting a message from Amazon about a printing error.  The interior of Book 1 is messed up.  It is actually the interior of Book […]

It’s time to celebrate!

Two awesome things are coming up … Christmas or the holiday that you celebrate this time of year, and my 1-year anniversary of writing.  So to celebrate, I’m going to spend some money on YOU for a change. Check out the Holiday promotion page Check out the January Anniversary Indie Book Giveaway page Look for […]

Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 3, PUBLISHED!

Can you believe in all the hype and excitement of finishing the Clash of the Otherworlds series that I forgot to mention it on my website?  What a dope.  So, hey … yeah … PUBLISHED!  Boo yah! Thanks to the readers who took the time to leave feedback on my Facebook about what they wanted […]

A little snippet of a scene from Clash 3 as I pound out the last few chapters…

She looked right at him, her eyes swirling with red and black.  “Don’t be so sure about that, incubussss …”  She tipped her head down a little but kept up her intense gaze. “Mayday!  Mayday!  Mayday!” yelled Tim.  “Demon mesmerizing, twelve o’clock!”  He flew over, detaching his fanny pack as he went.  Before I could […]

For the would-be writers out there…

The reason I’m putting this post up is because I get a lot of emails and messages asking me for advice on writing and self-publishing.  For those would-be writers out there, here’s some stuff I thought you might find interesting: I read an article written by an agent, its distinct tone being: “Writers need agents, […]