Cover Reveal: RECKLESS

Cover Reveal: RECKLESS

Add it to your Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf! The much anticipated sequel to WRECKED, the story of four teenagers from different ends of the social spectrum who were castaways on an island together before finally making it back home … only to be thrown back into high school life with completely different perspectives than […]

Book Banner Fun

Book Banner Fun

I wish I knew how to work with Photoshop. But it’s probably a good thing I don’t know how, or I’d spend way too much time playing with it. But someday, I will learn it! In the meantime, I used Picasa to make this. Some of these books aren’t out yet, but since I have […]

Sea Wenches: A Trilogy

Sea Wenches: A Trilogy

I just received some artwork for my upcoming series Sea Wenches, and I just had to share.  Ana Fagarazzi is the digital artist who is the incredibly talented girl behind these images.  The series isn’t out until the first quarter of 2013, but I’m so excited for it, I’m posting this now. A little teaser […]

Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 1 PUBLISHED!!!

I just hit the “Publish” button, y’all.  Clash of the Otherworlds: Book 1 is up on Amazon and will be available for purchase in the next 12 hours.  When I have the live link, I will Tweet and Facebook it.  Hugs to all of you who have been impatiently waiting for it!! UPDATE:  Here is […]

Ebook Lending Versus Ebook Piracy

I haven’t posted in a while, totally focused on getting my next series out, Clash of the Otherworlds.  Good news is, Book 1 will be ready soon!  Bad news is, my web site has become very boring. I thought I’d kick things up a notch my talking about a somewhat controversial subject: ebook piracy.  Another […]