WANTED: Jason Brant

For those of you who follow my Facebook and blog posts, you know that author Jason Brant and I have a … um … competitive supportive relationship. I’m pretty sure he was my brother in another life. Possibly even my twin. That being said, something has to be done about his little problem. I’m talking […]
Blurb for Apocalypsis: Book 1
My name’s Bryn Mathis. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in a neighborhood outside of Orlando, Florida. I live alone because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. I’m almost out of food and the gangs of kids that roam around my town are getting […]
COVER REVEAL !! Apocalypsis: Book 1, Kahayatle

Today is the day. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but I just can’t stand it. I want to share! And a very special person who worked on my covers like mad has had his advance look (now that I know he’s awake and looking at his emails again), so now I can share […]
Do you want to ask Jayne Sparks or Tim the Pixie a question?
Character Interviews!! This blog owner and author would like to interview a character from one of my books. I figured most of you readers would pick either Jayne Sparks or Tim the Pixie as the interviewees, so here’s your chance to get your questions answered! Submit questions for Jayne or Tim in the comments below, […]
Apocalypsis: Book 1, DRAFT DONE!
Yes, it’s true. I’ve finished the first draft of Apocalypsis: Book 1. Right now it’s at 90,000 words (about 295 pages), but when I’m finished with my first edit (2 days of work), it’ll be more like 92,000. So we’re looking at a final product of about 325 pages. Yay! And wow, did this book […]
More cover art from Down Under!

One of my readers is a budding Photoshop guru. Lucky me, I get the benefit of the learn-as-you-go program he’s got himself into now. Here’s his latest version of the cover art for Apocalypsis: Book 1. Purple is my favorite color!!!
Wrecked. Book of the day award winner!

Look what I got!
Amazon featuring a War of the Fae promotion: Book 1 is FREE for 2 days.
Tell all your friends! War of the Fae: Book 1, The Changelings will be available for a FREE download for 2 days, June 13-14.
The Executioner Executes. Oh YES he does!

For those of you who don’t know him, Aidan B from down under (please, indulge me for a second, I can’t resist: THROW ANOTHER SHRIMP ON THE BARBIE!) has been participating in my cover making contest. I just wanted to share some of his latest entries with all of you so you can bask in […]
My latest project: Apocalypsis. 25,000 words and counting!
I’ve talked about this in various posts on this blog and I’ve tweeted about it, but I figured for those of you who want to know exactly what’s going on, I’d post something a little more detailed, plus give you an update. This summer I have an exciting project I’m working on, a 3-book YA […]
Published! My foray into chick lit

Hello readers. Just wanted to let you know that I’ve been sneaking around and writing on the sly, using a different pen name: Kat Lee. Why? Well, two reasons: (1) it’s a different genre (adult women’s fiction) and (2) it’s a joint project involving my momma a little bit, so I wanted to keep it […]