I finished the first chapter of Apocalypsis: Book 1 yesterday and polished it up a bit today. It’s still not perfect, but I think it’s pretty good. Anyone who submits a cover art idea (photo or whatever), gets a copy emailed to him or her!! So that’s Aidan, Jason, and Ashley so far. Email me […]
Prologue for new series: Apocalypsis (Book 1 of 3)
Thought you might like to read the prologue for my new series. My 15-year-old daughter gave me the thumbs up, which is always a good sign. You’ll have to let me know if it’s enough to keep you reading! Apocalypsis-Prologue-ElleCasey
The Executioner Ups the Ante

Well, Jason Brant thought he had it in the bag with his cover art entry. But Aidan “The Executioner” Brindley from down under takes him down a notch. Or eighty. With this… Whoot!!!
First entry for cover picking contest has arrived. Thank you Jason _____ Brant.

I was trying to decide as I wrote the title of this blog post out, whether I should just use Jason Brant’s name as-is, or whether I should modify it a bit to fit his cover entry, pictured below. My two choices were: Jason “Madman” Brant and Jason “Muskrat Head” Brant. Which do you think […]
Want to help me pick my next book cover designs?
Hello readers. I thought I’d try something a little different with my next series. Maybe it’ll be fun and totally work and maybe it’ll be a disaster. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained! So here’s the deal: I usually have my covers made quite simply. I go on www.istockphoto.com or www.dreamstime.com and find a good […]
Books: Journies or Destinations?
I never really thought about reading books in this way before, but today I am, so permit me to blather on about it. I read a review today by a reader who said he (“he” meaning “he or she” throughout) only read the first part of a book and then stopped, because he could already […]
My website is ALL messed up.
If you try to go to any of the pages on this site right now, all you’ll get is a black screen. It’s not normally like that! I’m working on getting it fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. 🙂
A funny guy, that Jason Brant …

Do you guys know Jason Brant? Until a week ago, I didn’t. But then someone tweeted something about his thriller/action novel that they just gave 5 stars to, so I went and read the reviews and blurb. Every review mentioned how funny the MC (main character) is, and they reminded me a lot of the […]
The Sometimes Frustrating Book Review – Factual Inaccuracies
I love reader reviews of my work. I think I’ve said that enough times here and in the back of my books to have started sounding annoyingly repetitive. I just want to be perfectly clear how I feel, before I speak my mind on a related issue. I love, love, love reader reviews!! I read […]
Books opening up dialogs
I had a reader leave a review for WRECKED today on Amazon that really got me thinking … about how books can open up dialogs about different things. Sometimes important things. If you’ve read WRECKED, you know that issues of teen survival and teen sex come up, along with social cliques and other high school […]
One day of FREE … let’s end May with a BANG!
War of the Fae: Book 1, The Changelings will be FREE for one day only, Friday, May 25, 2012. Spread the word!!
WRECKED promotion … FREE for 3 days!

We’re doing an end-of-the month promotion for the book WRECKED. It’ll be a free Kindle download for 3 days, May 23-25. I’m pretty excited because it’s a 2nd edition of the book. I took all the reader comments I received and incorporated most of the advice given into this new edition. It’s not a lot […]