I’ve recently done a few guest posts on book blogger sites. I just love book bloggers!!! They spend hours and hours reading and writing reviews for books – many for indie writers like me. I can’t thank them enough for their time and devotion. Here’s my latest, a post titled “My Writing Process – How […]
Theme songs for characters.
I’ve finished the third draft of War of the Fae: Book One (The Changelings) and have now started Book Two (Call to Arms). When you read these books, you will meet several very special characters. Three that are on my mind as I complete the outline for Book Two right now are Tony, Jayne, and […]
Music as inspiration.
The first time I ever saw an author recognize music as her muse was when I went to the website of Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series and The Host (an aside: I wish she’d write something else!) She even had a playlist on a player there on the site, so you could click […]
First draft done! War of the Fae: Book 1 (The Changelings)
I did it! I finished the first draft of War of the Fae: Book 1 (The Changelings). It’s at 87,000 words right now – not sure how long it will be when the final draft is finished, but it will be close to this number. I’m super excited about this milestone. I’m also very happy […]
Half of War of the Fae: Book One (The Changelings) is done. Plus, Samantha Young!

I’ve reached a milestone today – 51,000 words finished on my newest novel. I’ve been cranking it out; it’s nearly writing itself at this point. I’m super excited about the characters and the storyline. My number one beta reader (husband) has laughed at all the right parts and been frustrated when there isn’t more yet […]
One-third done on War of the Fae: Book One
I’m really excited about War of the Fae: Book One (The Changelings). The story is flowing out of the ether, through my fingers and onto the keyboard. I’m about 40,000 words into it, and very excited about the characters and their beginning adventures. When I write, it seems I only know about 60% of the […]
WRECKED is now available on Amazon.com , Smashwords.com and BarnesandNoble.com ! I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. The Kindle edition will be available for a limited time at 99 cents. Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell your neighbors. Tell everyone you know!
Change of plans.
I was all set to start SECOND COMING, a thriller, and I had a dream that threw it all out of whack. This new-ish idea (it’s been in my head along with the others for a while, just not fleshed out) is insisting it be told before anything else. Sigh. I wish I was in […]
Happy Holidays.
Happy holidays to everyone out there. This is my first Christmas as a novelist, and it feels damn good. Next Christmas, I’d love to be a novelist who has actually sold some books to people she doesn’t know.
Final Edits. Next Project.
I sent WRECKED off for final edits, and I can’t express how excited and nervous I am. Here are some of the thoughts that are racing through my brain, pretty much at all hours of the day: I wonder if she will like it…What is she thinking as she reads it?…Is she reading it right […]
Little buggers.
Now that I’ve officially finished writing my first novel (phew, that only took twenty years!), my brain is ready to explode with new ideas. Every one is fighting to be the next story told. The problem is, they’re all over the place: Thriller? Check! … Mystery? Check! … Paranormal? Check! … Romance? Check! … and […]
Am I stupid?
I read a great review for a book the other day on Yahoo, and without reading the reviews on Amazon, I shelled out $7 for it. Normally I would read Amazon reviews first and then make my decision, but this person had received a substantial advance, a movie deal, and had some serious backing, so […]