Goal = reached.
And the awesome continues…

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Goal = reached.
I set this goal a few months back and here I am at the meeting of it. I wish I could express what this feels like, but I can’t. Here’s a pic or two of my life right now.
I noticed a trend with pretty much every book I’ve seen that hits the Top 100 best seller list on Amazon or some of the sub-genre best seller lists. If the book is good, the first wave of reviews are all five and four stars. Then after the book has received a lot of attention, […]
Since my novel Shine Not Burn made it onto the Top 100 Best Seller list at Amazon, I’ve been watching my rankings like a hawk. And when I saw ‘hawk’ I’m talking like one with a set of tiny bionic eyeballs in its itty bitty head. I’m refreshing every hour to catch the new and […]
Want to win some free books? Click here to enter this contest!!!
It’s 12:53 a.m. on July 7th. Yesterday was my firstborn’s 18th birthday. My first baby is officially old enough to leave the nest. And today, my novel Shine Not Burn, is sitting at #116 on the Amazon Best Seller list, for the entire bookstore, all genres. I need to try and express what this means […]
I started out writing Young Adult titles, I think because they were the stories that had the most insistent characters shouting to be heard in my head. I guess that makes sense because kids do tend to be louder than adults. But after writing about 18 novels all but 2 with teens as the main […]
Hey there, readers! I joined with a few other writers-of-fae recently in this book bundle. In it you’ll find my War of the Fae: Book 1 (The Changelings) and 5 other complete novels written by other authors. Here is a free excerpt for you! The first 8-10 pages of each book. It’s a PDF file. […]
Don’t worry, this is not a bad news post. 🙂 This a fabulously awesomely awesome good news post that I am so, so happy and proud to put up. I just want to open my arms as wide as the world and embrace every one of my readers in one big group hug. Thank you, […]
Hello, readers! Here’s a little side project I’ve been working on, headed by the lovely and talented Anthea Sharp. I’ve teamed up with fellow fantasy authors Tara Maya, Jenna Elizabeth Johnson, JL Bryan, Anthea Sharp and Aexia Purdy to create Faery Worlds, an anthology of six full-length, fae-inspired novels. We’re hoping to launch the book […]
Amazon is awesome! The powers-that-be over there allowed me to give my readers a pre-order opportunity for my first New Adult Romance novel, so I’m jumping on this deal like a big ole frawg, y’all! Please share the news with your reader friends. I’ll be posting the first few chapters for free on the site […]
Let’s do another promotion, shall we? ♥ Anyone who goes to Goodreads and puts DON’T MAKE ME BEAUTIFUL (Romantic Suspense) on their To-Read list is automatically entered to win. For EVERY 100 entries, I’ll give away a $25 Amazon gift card! 🙂 Contest goes until Monday, June 10, 11:59pm EST. Click “Want To Read” and […]