Book Banner Fun

I wish I knew how to work with Photoshop. But it's probably a good thing I don't know how, or I'd spend way too much time playing with it. But someday, I will learn it! In the meantime, I used Picasa to make this. Some of these books aren't out yet, but since I have suck kickass covers for them, I included them anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

Baby size.

And the big size.

7 comments on “Book Banner Fun

  1. I have adobe photo 2.0, I know sad huh? You have to have a dinosaur to work it , but man oh man is it awesome to work with. I do, or I should say did a lot of old photos and fixed them up real nice. So very fun and easy. The new stuff now I can’t figure out to save myself. So I keep a dinosaur handy at all times!

    • I can’t believe the things they do with Adobe these days. My latest cover is an example of just out out of this world things can look with a really talented designer working on it. I’m just blown away. I’ll never be able to do that kind of thing, but even just putting fonts on would be nice. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. lol Fonts would be good to know. I love your covers they are amazing. The artist are so gifted. I think maybe I’m the dinosaur short arms and claws for hands so very hard to maneuver the well everything on a computer.

  3. You’re on the right path! Don’t take the Photoshop road. I spend far too much time mucking around with it when I should be writing. It’s far worse than the internet. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Your banner looks great, especially those Sea Wenches covers.

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