A change in my publishing schedule and some NEWS

I alluded to some changes on my Facebook page.  Here are the deets! I’m moving my New Adult Romance novels up on the schedule and pushing Sea Wenches back a few months, so they’ll be out in the 4th quarter of the year instead of the 3rd.  For those of you who are anxiously awaiting […]

Be a participator, not a bystander. We are not just a bunch of people living in isolation … we are a community of readers and writers.

I read this article on Huffpost today titled: “Readers Don’t Owe Authors Shit” (link at the bottom of this post). It made me very sad. So much anger and spite from a reader towards indie authors who ask for reviews from readers and indie booksellers asking for readers to come buy books from them, to […]

DUALITY 1 (Melancholia) is live!

DUALITY 1 (Melancholia) is live!

I hope you enjoy this new release.  It’s different than my other stuff, but already getting great reviews.  🙂  Here are the links to buy if you want to check it out. AMAZON USA: http://amzn.to/YantP6 AMAZON U.K.: http://amzn.to/100lBoG AMAZON ITALY: http://amzn.to/11SlUWp AMAZON FRANCE: http://amzn.to/13I7etc AMAZON SPAIN: http://amzn.to/11TNfq4 AMAZON GERMANY: http://amzn.to/12Wo4Wl Malcolm’s had a problem for […]

Learning Adobe

Learning Adobe

I’ve been wanting to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for years.  I’ve started learning Adobe Elements, which is the baby version, and I’m having a lot of fun.  I try not to let it interfere with writing, but it’s hard!!  Creative juices flow and then, well, here I go.

Amazon and I Kiss and Make Up

My last post was about my Easter nightmare, when some brain surgeon over on Amazon removed over 700 comments I had made on my book pages and book forums.  I just wanted to follow up and give Amazon its due (do??).  The folks over at Executive Customer Relations really took care of the problem for […]