Cover Reveal! Apocalypsis: Book 4 (HAVEN)

Cover Reveal!  Apocalypsis: Book 4 (HAVEN)

Here she is!  The cover for Apocalypsis: Book 4 (Haven), made by the talented and adorable Aidan Brindley from Australia, superfan extraordinaire.  He also did the cover for book 3.  I’ve included a Facebook banner that you’re free to use if you wish.  It will help me advertise my books, so I’d be thrilled if […]

Every Review Counts

I noticed that the majority of my readers who read all of my books will leave reviews on just one or two of them, and I really wish that wasn’t the case. I wish they’d leave reviews for all of the books they’ve read, whether they’re mine or someone else’s. I risk sounding ungrateful in […]

Apocalypsis Buddy Read is now on!

In preparation for Book 4 of the Apocalypsis series, coming at the end of this month, some readers have gotten together over on Goodreads for a “Buddy Read” event.  It’s kind of like an online book club.  Should be super fun!!  I’ll be lurking, possibly using your comments to build the 4th book, so don’t […]

Aces High

Jason Brant and I have teamed up to write a book together.  In Jason’s words: “I hope everyone is ready for lots of swearing, shit talking, and general douchery.”  That pretty much sums it up.  Even if no one likes it but us, that’s okay.  So far I’ve had a ball writing it.  And every […]