Noelle asks Elle some questions about her new sci-fi space opera series, DRIFTERS’ ALLIANCE What motivated you to write a SciFi novel? I’m a big fan of reading science fiction and watching sci-fi movies and television series, and I like to write about things I enjoy as entertainment. Plus, I often wonder what the world […]
Category Archives: On writing

When I first started writing three years ago, I put my publishing schedule together each year in January. But last year it didn’t work out so well. After several troll attacks that really had me questioning why I bothered to do some of the things I do, I took a step back from writing, from […]
iBooks kicking it up a notch … for my author and blogger friends …
In case you’re as clueless as I was about iBooks tools and affiliate program, this is for you!! I plan to start putting all of this in place in the next two weeks as I ramp up for an amazing 2015. This goes for bloggers and authors who are looking to earn more income from […]
Who wins in the race to the bottom?
I haven’t gotten up on my soapbox in a long time, mostly because every time I do, trolls come after me online, but oh well. Sometimes the need to express myself outweighs the strength of my self-preservation instinct LOL. Here’s my latest opinion piece about the reading and publishing communities. >> WARNING: Grab some popcorn […]
Writing Software : A How-To Video
I use this software called Scrivener to write with. It’s kind of complicated to learn, so I put together a video for my writer friends showing how I go through and set it up to write and compile the book for the Kindle format. Share this post if you have writer friends, please. 🙂
Starbucks and Books
I’ve been writing this romantic serial novel called Just One Night (purchase links below if you’re interested). I’ve gotten a ton of great feedback, and really the only negative feedback I’ve gotten has been about the potential future cost. As serial novels become more popular, we’ll see more and more of this conversation, I’m sure. […]
My obituary
A story mostly unrelated to books but hopefully inspirational … Last time I was at my mom’s house, I was going through old boxes of things that had to either be thrown out or kept, depending on their worth to me after having been stored for 3 years. I ran across some surprising things, but […]
You have been TRICKED in the bookstore by publishers
I had a reader-fan write me and ask me for advice about formatting her paperback book that she just wrote. She’s moving from reading to writing. Yay! Her questions led me to write this post. As a reader, I used to walk into the bookstore, head over to the section that housed the books I […]
You know you’re an online bully when …
I was thinking about the online bullying of authors, after reading the article about Anne Rice and the bullying she experienced (she is not alone – lots of us have suffered from this sickening trend), and it struck me how strange it is that a person who might be perfectly nice in public can become […]
Money grubbing authors? Readers, before you paint, make sure you have the right brush.
I received an email from a ‘devoted fan’ who was dismayed to find that I’ve started writing a romantic serial novel. You can find Part 1 of Just One Night here. She accused me of being another one of those “money-grubbing authors” who rip off their readers. Wow. Can I just say that again? Wow. […]
What I’m up to lately and some rambling / grumbling
Hello, readers. It’s been a while since I’ve posted any rambling thoughts, so I figured it was about time I go there again. Weeee! Rambling thoughts! I’m currently working on several projects. Number one is MacKenzie Fire, which is the sequel to romance Shine Not Burn that was published last summer. I expect this book […]
An interview! Meet the girl behind AESTAS, an amazing romance book blog

For those of you who don’t yet follow Aestas Book Blog on Facebook or her website, I highly encourage you to check her out. She is the most active romance book blogger I have ever seen. She’s always on Facebook, reading, talking about books, sharing bargains and good reads, and hosting awesome giveaways. She is […]