Dream Book Tour … Would anyone come, other than the crickets?

Even though I don't have a publisher to put one together for me, I'd still love to do a real, live, in-person book tour.

A really sweet fan of mine who posts on Facebook from time to time, mentioned seeing me at a book-signing some day, and it got me thinking.  I mean, if I keep selling bunches of books, why not have a book tour?  How awesome would that be?  REALLY awesome, I think.

So here are the Elle Casey Dream-Book-Tour stops.  I figured I'd have to zig zag my way across the country and stick with big cities so people could come from surrounding areas.  Since I'd be footing the bill, I'd pretty much be counting on eating hamburgers and staying at budget inns of some sort.

  • Orlando, FL
  • Charlotte, NC
  • NYC, NY
  • Chicago, IL
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Austin, TX
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • San Franciso, CA
  • Seattle, WA

I would totally do this, if I didn't have that one haunting thought, plaguing me in the back of my mind: Would anyone come?  Or will the only sound in the bookstore be *crickets*…


47 comments on “Dream Book Tour … Would anyone come, other than the crickets?

  1. You need to add WPB since that’s where Jayne and Tony are from, and it’s close to the Everglades. And, I KNOW people would show up there!!

  2. I would totally come if you had one in the Washington, DC area. I’m not too far away from there. If you don’t like the DC area, we do have a Festival of the Book here in Charlottesville, VA every year (hint, hint). Either last year or the year before John Grisham was there ’cause he lives around here somewhere.

  3. Both my mom and I would be the first ones in line to meet you in Austin!! I would be there in a heart beat!!! We love your work!! Keep up the awesome work!!! It would be kinds awesome if you had drawings of your charcters.. for instance like one of Tim and have “his” autograph on it as well… 🙂

    Sincerely one of your biggest fans

  4. I would come to one of them! Orlando would be closest, though that is still several hours away, but I would probably pick a city I have not been to before to come to your signing 🙂 Which would not be hard as I have never been out of the South!

  5. ouch. I’m hurt, truly hurt that you would not come to australia. I don’t know how many of us know who you are but I’d defs be lined up outside the venue, be it tiny or large, for days. Woo! Aussie fanclub!!

    I wouldn’t mind a Casey/Brant Smackdown. I’d get tickets to that 😛

  6. I hope so 🙂 Next time you get the urge to go to italy, go to australia.
    Next time you get the urge to go to into Paris, go to australia.
    Next time you get the urge to go to the supermarket, go to australia 😛

  7. Dang, if you were coming to the Louisville, KY metro area, I’d definitely swing by and say high and check out your books (I need to find more stuff for my 12 year old to read, BTW)

  8. If you could come to Phoenix, I would take you out for lunch or dinner, my treat! (No hamburgers involved, unless you want them to be!) Also, I would volunteer to be your own personal marketing team for this area. I’d put flyers around town and post on message boards and such. I have a couple friends that I know would be on board to help me, too. *Please, come to Phoenix!*

  9. If you come to Austin, Tx. I will most definitely come from San Antonio Tx. just to get an autograph from you. And not just on anything either I want you to sign my Kindle!!! Since all of your books occupy my kindle :D. I’m in LOVE with your work. I am a full time single mom, I work full time, and I’m in school full time, and your books motivates me get everything done so I can have little bit of me time after my little champ goes to bed. Yay!

  10. I went to the Printer’s Row Lit Fest in Chicago this summer and you would have been an awesome addition. I am about 90 miles east of Chicago and would totally drive there for your event. I love the Fae books and have told all of my book-loving friends that they are a MUST on their “to read” lists.

    Hope to see you in Chicago.

      • I attended the Lit Fest for the Dark Days Tour with Veronica Roth. I became obsessed with her Divergent series. After buying those, Amazon recommended your books and I am so happy that happened. I’ve read all 4 Fae and can’t wait for the Otherworlds series.

  11. You should come close to me…like Raleigh, NC! Tons of colleges there and better food. 😀 Besides, I went to Charlotte one time, took a wrong turn and ended up in a ghetto…very scary 10 minutes!!!

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