Kahayatle (Apocalypsis Book 1)
My name is Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and I live in a neighborhood outside of Orlando, Florida. I’m here alone because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. I'm almost out of food, and the gangs of kids that roam around my town are getting more vicious by the day. It's time for me to leave and find another place to live ... a place where I can find food and shelter ... a place where they won't be able to find me. Alone, it might have been possible, but now I've got company. I'm worried that I don't have what it takes to get from here to my final destination, and I have no idea what might be waiting for me when I get there.
More info →Apocalypsis, t.1 (Kahayatle) [version française]
Je m'appelle Bryn Mathis. J'ai dix-sept ans et je vis dans un quartier en périphérie d'Orlando, en Floride. Je suis seule ici parce que mon père est mort il y a presque un an, comme tous les autres adultes au monde. Je n’ai presque plus de nourriture et les gangs d'enfants qui parcourent ma ville sont de plus en plus menaçants chaque jour. Il est temps pour moi de partir et de trouver un autre endroit pour vivre... un endroit où je puisse trouver de la nourriture et un abri... un endroit où ils ne pourront pas me trouver. Seule, cela aurait pu être possible, mais maintenant j’ai de la compagnie. Je crains de ne pas avoir ce qu’il faut pour aller d’ici à ma destination finale et je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui m’attend quand j’arriverai.
More info →Warpaint (Apocalypsis Book 2)
My name’s Bryn Mathis. I’m seventeen years old, and I live in Kahayatle, otherwise known as The Everglades. I’m here with my three best friends and a tribe of Native American teens, because my dad died almost a year ago, along with all the other adults in the world. We’re creating a whole new world for ourselves, but this world has problems. The biggest threat to our survival is not starvation anymore … it’s the gang of kids who lives nearby that has become more vicious than anyone could have imagined possible. The soulless demons have gone too far, and it’s time for us to rise up and do what needs to be done to set things right. Alone, it might have been impossible; but now I’ve got friends. I’m worried, though, that I won’t be able to get them ready to fight in time, and that we’re taking on more of a challenge than we can handle right now. And I have no idea what might be waiting for us when we arrive on their front doorstep.
More info →Apocalypsis, t.2 (Peintures de guerre) [version française]
Je m'appelle Bryn Mathis. J'ai dix-sept ans et j'habite à Kahayatle, autrement appelé Les Everglades. Je suis ici avec mes trois meilleurs amis et une tribu d'adolescents amérindiens, parce que mon père est mort il y a presque un an, comme tous les autres adultes du monde entier. Nous sommes en train de créer un tout nouveau monde, mais rien n'est simple. La plus grande menace pour notre survie n'est plus la famine...c'est le gang des jeunes qui vit à proximité et qui est devenu le plus malsain qu'on puisse imaginer. Les démons sans âme sont allés trop loin et il est temps pour nous de nous soulever et de faire ce qui doit être fait pour régler les choses. Seule, cela aurait été impossible mais maintenant j'ai des amis. Cependant, je crains de ne pouvoir les préparer à temps pour le combat et d'avoir à relever plus de défis que nous ne pouvons en affronter actuellement. Et je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui pourrait nous attendre lorsque nous arriverons à leur porte.
More info →Exodus (Apocalypsis Book 3)
My name’s Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and my world has been turned upside down and inside out. I'm racing toward a future I cannot control. I thought I had everything worked out, but then things changed. I thought we were all cut off from one another, but it turns out, we're not. They say people are talking, and word about me and what I've done is spreading like the virus that wiped out millions of people, leaving us teens alone to fend for ourselves. And depending on who you are, and what you eat for dinner, I'm either your salvation or your target.
More info →Haven (Apocalypsis Book 4)
My name’s Bryn Mathis. I'm seventeen years old, and I'm alive at a critical time in our world's history, unlike all the adults and babies who didn't survive the virus that almost wiped out the human race. Alliances are building, enemies are gathering, and everything's about to reach the boiling point. I'm in a race against time to get Haven ready for the final showdown, a confrontation that could very possibly destroy everything my friends and I have worked so hard to create. People I trusted have betrayed me. People who I thought were my enemies are not. Nothing is as it seems, and nothing will ever be the same for me, now that I've embarked on this one last adventure that could be the undoing of everything that is me.
More info →